
Democrats and Republicans agree the No Child Left Behind law is broken

Arkansas, Missouri, South Dakota, Utah and Virginia will be freed from the No Child Left Behind requirement that all students test discount ray ban sunglasses proficient in math and science by 2014, a goal the nation remains far from achieving. In exchange, the states and all others granted waivers must develop accountability plans that set new targets for raising achievement, advancing teacher effectiveness, preparing all students for careers and college, and improving the performance of low-performing schools. "We all understand that the best ideas oakley sunglasses clearance don't come from Washington, and moving forward, these states will have increased flexibility with federal funds and relief from NCLB's mandates, allowing them to develop locally-tailored solutions to meet their unique educational challenges," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in draft remarks released to The Associated Press. Democrats and Republicans agree the No Child Left Behind law is broken, but have been unable to agree on how to fix it. The law has been praised for shining a light on the performance of subgroups like minorities, low-income, English language learner and special education students, but also has led to an increasing number of schools being labeled cosmetic wholesale as "failing" and subject to a prescribed set of interventions — even if just one of these groups didn't meet learning targets. Critics of the law also say it has had the unintended effect of encouraging instructors to teach to the test and has led schools to narrow their curriculums. Duncan and the White House have pushed for a comprehensive reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, but there has been little movement in Congress over the past two years. After Duncan warned that 82 percent of schools could be labeled "failing" — a figure many said was inflated, but nonetheless agreed to be rising — the Obama administration announced last year that states could apply for waivers. Republicans have charged that poudre pour the president with overreaching his authority and imposing his vision for education on the states.


National defense education is the foundation

On the morning of June 25 Mac Pigment Eyeshadow, Xinfu District Defense Office of young people organized by the National Defense Education Achievements Exhibition held in the City, Jackie Chan vocational schools. National defense education is the foundation of building and consolidating national defense, improve the quality of an important way to enhance national cohesion. In recent years, Xinfu District, attach importance to carry out Wholesale Mac Cosmetics Lady Gaga Lip&eye pencil the work of young people national defense education, and thoroughly implement the People's Republic of China on National Defense Education Act and the national defense education programs, adhere to national defense education into the school teaching and moral education mode, focus on the organizational system into the system demonstration to lead a typical tree, step three focus on the bases, enriched the contents of the national defense education, expand the platform of the national defense education, strengthen the relevance and effectiveness of young people national defense education formed the attention of the community to support effective co-ordination of various departments, the education Discount oakley sunglasses system of one mind, the family understands the recognition, the overall development of students fortunate situation. 2010, Jackie Chan City vocational schools, national defense education for the excellent work done, Xinfu District, identified as the training base for national defense education and reserve forces. The exhibition is divided into a march-past Classic Oakley sunglasses Oakley-154, broadcast gymnastics performances and features performances of three parts, to participate in the show students, valiant, and high morale, with full mental outlook, excellent military qualities, to show the achievements of the youth national defense education, Xinfu District fruit.



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