
The referendum should not only be unchallenged

However, Mr Salmond’s reluctance to publish his own government’s legal advice on the referendum was described as fuelling “suspicion” by Labour’s shadow Scottish secretary gucci outlet.

Margaret Curran said: “The legal competence of proceeding with a referendum is highly significant and reflects what a number of experts have said, so if the SNP holds differing legal advice, they should publish it today. Refusing to do so fuels suspicion.

“The referendum should not only be unchallenged, it should be unchallengeable,” she said.

“The SNP won the election and they should call a fair, clear referendum. But we are also determined that, on an issue this important, the process is not dragged through the courts.

“The legal standing of the referendum must be beyond reproach, so the verdict of the Scottish people is crystal clear.”

Lord Wallace had warned the First Minister to accept a UK government offer to hand Holyrood the necessary powers to hold the referendum.

But Mr Salmond accused Lord Wallace and his colleagues in the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government of “sabre-rattling”, which he claimed was boosting support for independence.

Mr Salmond said: “Jim [Wallace] is speaking from the dizzy heights of the 7 per cent support the Liberal Democrats have in Scotland.

“Jim would be better off to reflect on why the Liberal Democrat support is so low.

“This sabre-rattling from Westminster is not doing the UK government any good, as we see that support for independence is strengthening.”

The First Minister said the Scottish Government had “no objection” to a section 30 order from the 1998 Scotland Act, which would allow a temporary allocation of powers to Holyrood. But the SNP government “objects to the strings the UK government wants to impose”, such as insisting that the Electoral Commission was involved in the staging of the referendum. Gucci outlet online shop provides gucci 2012 new arrivals, up to 70% off. Welcome to buy cheap gucci items for men and women, all are latest styles in various colors for your choice.

Tory MSP Murdo Fraser claimed Mr Salmond’s refusal to publish his legal advice was creating “uncertainty”.

Mr Fraser said: “If Alex Salmond is confident that he has strong legal opinion backing up his case, then he should be prepared to publish that advice, so that it can be subjected to proper scrutiny.”

