
Burton continued as both of them chuckled at the idea

It was the Mother of All Publicity Stunts for louis vuitton sunglasses Sacha Baron Cohen — and one that may set relations with the Muslim world back to the Crusades. Dressed in full character from his upcoming movie “The Dictator,” and borrowing a page from the late Moammar Khadafy, he was surrounded by a phalanx of the hottest female security guards this side of Tripoli. Two dozen “supporters” cheered on His Excellency General Admiral Aladeen, waving placards at the Waldorf-Astoria with Cohen’s portrait and slogans like “Give Persecution a Chance.” “Welcome devils of the Zionist media and death to the West,” announced Cohen, who is Jewish himself but plays the despot of the fictional Northern African nation of Wadiya in the flick that opens May 16. He answered a series of pre-screened questions, http://www.designerburberyoutlet.com/ including one from The Daily News asking whom he’d endorse in the U.S. presidential election. He said he really liked the conservative Rick Santorum, whose policies Cohen, in character, called too liberal.“In terms of policies, I’d have to say the Republicans if they would only become a little less extreme. There are some real double standards, what people call genocide in my country, is called the judicial system in Texas.” “But if it was money I was giving, then I give my full support to Mitt Romney. He has the makings of a great dicator. He incredibly wealthy but pays no taxes, and it’s not much of a leap to go from firing people to firing squads and from putting pets on the top of the car to putting political dissidents on top of them.” We're fully aware of the fact that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have very full schedules at the moment, given all their various projects like "Dark Shadows," Burton's "Frankenweenie," Depp's "The Lone Ranger," another "Pirates of the Carribean" movie, etc. But can we get Burton to designerburberyoutlet free up his schedule sometime soon in order to film a "Beetlejuice" sequel already? Because Burton has already expressed interest in exploring another "Beetlejuice" film with star Michael Keaton and "Shadows" screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith, when MTV News caught up with the busy director and frequent collaborator Depp recently, we threw in a question about what chance there might be in seeing Depp in the film, if it ever happens. Tim Burton And Johnny Depp Talk Possible 'Beetlejuice' Sequel "Ugh," Burton replied, playfully scoffing at the question. "Yeah, Tim," Depp reacted, adding emphasis for his friend to answer the question. "This is my last movie," Burton continued as both of them chuckled at the idea. "You'll be playing Jeffrey Jones," he said to Depp, which sent the actor into further louis vuitton jewelry giggles. "Yeah," Depp laughed. "I can play Jeffrey, I think." "We can make it work," Burton said. Now, whether Burton meant that Depp should play the character that actor Jeffrey Jones originated in "Beetlejuice" or that he should actually play Jeffrey Jones, that's up for interpretation. On a more serious note, writer Grahame-Smith is definitely planning on delivering a script to Burton this year. "I am hopefully going to write it this year," Grahame-Smith told MTV News recently. "I've gone and met with Tim Burton about it, I've gone and met with Michael Keaton about it. In theory everybody would be open to it if the script is good, so now it's just my job to make sure the script is good." Additionally, Grahame-Smith is also in favor 2012 louis vuitton men black/white shoes fashion best online sale of including a role for Depp. "I may not be able to avoid it — [Burton] may make me do it," he said of Depp getting involved.

