
The software client incorporates most of Mesh's features

New Orleans Saints general manager Mickey Loomis monster beats solo had the ability to eavesdrop on opposing coaching staffs, according to a report on Monday.

The ESPN program "Outside the Lines" was told that the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of Louisiana was informed on Friday that Loomis had an electronic device in his Superdome suite that had been re-wired to give him the capability to eavesdrop on visiting coaching staffs for three seasons.

Loomis responded by email to Fox Sports' Jay Glazer, which Glazer posted on his Twitter account:

"This report on ESPN is absolutely false. I have a monitor in front of me in my booth that provides the league issued stats for the game. I have a small tv [sic] Monster Beats Studio MLB Chicago White Sox with the network broadcast and I have an earpiece to listen to the WWL- AM radio (flagship broadcaster) game broadcast.

"To think I am sitting in there listening and actually and or doing something with the offensive and defensive play calls of the opposing teams makes this story and the unnamed sources that provided the false information that much more less credible...it just didn't happen."

According to the ESPN report, sources that are familiar with game-day operations for the Saints said that Loomis had the ability to secretly listen for most of the 2002 season and all of the '03 and '04 seasons.

Loomis, who became the general manager of the team in 2002, was issued an eight-game suspension for his role in the bounty program that was brought to light in early March.

U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, Jim louis vuitton shoes Letten, confirmed that he was told of the alleged eavesdropping on Friday and sources told ESPN that he has briefed the FBI about it. If the allegations are proven true, they could be both a violation of NFL rules and a federal crime, as the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 prohibits any person from intercepting communications from another person using an electronic or mechanical device.

The device was reportedly installed in the general manager's suite in 2000, when Randy Mueller served as the Saints' general manager. However, the sources said that Mueller only had the ability to monitor game-day communication of the Saints' coaching staff.

There’s a rumor floating about that the Samsung Galaxy Note, currently exclusive to AT&T, will be making its way to the magenta-colored carrier in the near future. The unique 5.3-inch handset has been making a lot of waves, and going from AT&T to T-Mobile would not require a lot of huge changes under the hood. It’s interesting to think about if nothing else, and there are a couple solid pieces of evidence to the rumor.

First off, as Tmo News pointed out, a Wi-Fi certification has been issued for a product with the name SGH-T879. According to the description, it has an 800×1280 resolution, which hints at a portrait-oriented device. Second, there are reportedly leaked pictures of the device which don’t designate a specific carrier, but show that it is a distinct device that is different than the Galaxy Ray ban sunglasses Note currently being sold at AT&T stores.

Another interesting point to this story is that Android phones really don’t like to cross carriers. Almost every major Android handset has remained exclusive to one service provider. There have been some exceptions, but that’s been the rule. The iPhone, meanwhile, is now available on three of the four major networks, giving it a huge distinguishing advantage. It’s no secret that Samsung wants to create the iPhone or Androids, and part of doing that would no doubt require cross-carrier support. So we’ll see what happens.

A couple of years ago we lamented the stated of Microsoft's cloud storage services. On the one hand, there was SkyDrive, with gobs of storage. On the other hand, there was Mesh, with file synchronization and remote access. Two separate products, when really there should burberry bags have been one.

And now there is. Microsoft has rolled out a set of new SkyDrive apps and new online capabilities to make SkyDrive the one-stop shop for file syncing and remote file access. On the software side, there are new clients for Windows and Mac OS X to sync files with the cloud, and updated versions of the Windows Phone and iOS clients (there's no first-party Android app, but Microsoft recommends a couple of third-party programs).

On the cloud side, there's are some major changes to availability. Under the old system, users had 25 GB of non-synced SkyDrive cloud storage, and 5 GB of burberry outlet synced Mesh storage. Now, there's just a single 7 GB of synced storage, with paid options to buy more space, starting at $10 for 20 GB per year, up to $50 for 100 GB per year. Though this increases the amount of synced storage, it nonetheless represents a reduction in total storage availability. However, any users that signed up for SkyDrive before April 22, and who have uploaded at least one file to the service, are eligible for a free upgrade to 25 GB. Existing users with at least 4 GB uploaded will pick up the 25 GB update automatically.

The software client incorporates most of Mesh's features. It performs file synchronization, and it also optionally enables remote file system access, allowing even non-SkyDrive files to be accessed via the SkyDrive site. With Mesh, we were critical of the way it lacked the simplicity louis vuitton handbags of Dropbox, with its prominently displayed "magic" synchronized folder. The new SkyDrive all but clones Dropbox's way of working, with a new special "SkyDrive" folder created in your user directory, and all files placed in that folder automatically synced.

A handful of Mesh features haven't made their way to the new client. Mesh offered limiting synchronization of settings such as Internet Explorer bookmarks. The new SkyDrive does not. Setting synchronization via SkyDrive will, however, be an important feature of Windows 8, so it's likely that this feature will return in some capacity. Mesh (like Dropbox) also offered syncing over LAN when it detected that machines could share files without going over the Internet. This capability has been dropped in SkyDrive.

Mesh also offered remote desktop oakley sunglasses access simlar to that found in Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol. This was a great feature, as it worked even on Windows SKUs that had no native remote desktop facility. It also worked without requiring any ports to be forwarded on routers, so it had zero maintenance overhead. The removal of this feature is a pity; even Windows 8 retains Remote Desktop's positioning as a "premium" feature, with neither the standard Windows 8 SKU nor the ARM Windows RT SKU able to serve as Remote Desktop hosts. Windows users may have to start looking elsewhere to fill this gap.

These latest changes to SkyDrive come hot on the hells of last week's updates, in which Microsoft added URL shortening, ODF support, and 300 MB in-browser uploads to SkyDrive.

The company is aggressively positioning SkyDrive as a superior alternative to Apple's iCloud, Dropbox, and Google's apps storage. With the new client, SkyDrive has become Burberry designer ties for men white on sale best a lot more useful to a lot more people, and Windows 8's SkyDrive integration is set to take this to another level.

