
To take advantage of the suspects in negotiations with other police

Them breathless for hours, only to complete that second shot; them a kilometer away, the assailant put to death; burberry sunglasses them always to remain silent, and even some outsiders "autistic" However, every time outstanding to complete the task ...

Related news: Xiamen "Flying Tigers" Sniper: three seconds shot and killed

Four days ago, "2.24" hostage taking and bombing, one armed with a sniper rifle, wearing a special police antiterrorist uniforms, wearing antireflective helmet "mystery" team coming into sight they are the City Special Police Detachment a team of commandos, snipers and commandos. Yesterday afternoon, this reporter walked into a City Special Police Detachment Battalion, talk to you about the unknown experience of snipers and commandos.

Zhang Wei Zhang accompany Yi:

The sniper is not too cold

Wipe the butt of a rifle, adjust the prospective heart, meticulous, like to appreciate a collection of works of art ... yesterday afternoon, the reporter in the City Special Police Detachment Battalion, saw the participation "2.24" sniper hostage hostage bombing attacks on the task sheets Wei and Zhang accompany Yi.

Speaking of snipers, and many people may think the killer is not too cold, "" Leon ", cold, silent, cautious, mysterious. Accompany in front of Zhang Wei and Zhang Yi, but to subvert the impression that they are the sun, the only obvious feature is the man of few words.

Training "concentration"

Pricked myself with a pin

Accompany Yi, 2006 commando sniper. "2.24" hostage taking and bombing, his shot is about 13 meters away from the suspect houses houses balcony. The fear of too close, his hide is drying clothes on the balcony, the crevices of the exposed muzzle from the clothes. Time up to 7 hours of waiting, his eyes stare numb, also worried to distraction, the last thought of a way the security net of the fence the number of suspects on the balcony, fence, the number of finished, he began to count the fence spacing.

"As a sniper, we should always keep focused, because the opportunity fleeting accompany Yi Zhang, outdoor tasks, often encountered in the mosquito harassment, then he thought of a way in peacetime training, with the pin pricked myself, and pricked myself hurt, the mosquitoes down and no feeling. "

To overcome loneliness

Off "dark room" a few scraps of paper

Asked how to do focus, to accompany burberry sunglasses outlet Yi Zhang told reporters off the "dark room" experience has made him memorable.

The dark room training is this: people are kept in a closed room, not with books and mobile phones, only one paper and a pen, a watch. Outside the house, "the examiner" from time to time dropped a scraps of paper from the dark room of a 15 cm gap from the outside to catch a hen, which people need a detailed note of confetti fell, and the mother sound characteristics of the chicken. black house training, in addition to the test snipers keen powers of observation, an important role is to overcome loneliness. Sniper missions do not know when it will end, overcome loneliness must accompany Yi Zhang told reporters that he had in the Botanical Garden, a sniper training, a whole in the hills Dunshou 12 hours. In order to eliminate loneliness, daytime, the sniper will be in front of tens of meters far from sight under a toothbrush or a flower constantly look at, at night, full of darkness, and sometimes looked up the number of stars.

Lost and lonely, when the sniper. Accompany Yi Zhang told reporters. "On that line, calm, calm personality is more appropriate to endure alone, lonely, impatient people can not do it." Said Huang Chung, the squadron leader of the assault squadron. And other special police sniper features to sink tolerant own sniper also very outgoing, but now silent for many.

Commando is the "Terminator"

Whether it is with bated breath for several hours to complete one second shot and killed the sniper, or the nick of time caused the dead to surprise the "Terminator", these are just a City Special Police Detachment Battalion commando microcosm.

Where is the most dangerous where there is that they

In the same year, "3.1" Vehicle carrying explosives cases in 2010, the lake, "2.12" with a knife, arson, assault team members hand Wu crazy uniforms; commandos risked will explosives successfully removed; in the 2011 East the Pingshan "4.12" with a knife murder arrest case, the commandos to come forward ... they are little known, but in every major cases of violence, the total of their busy figure, but after each successful handling of lowkey way to leave. The words of Captain Blue Wei, time sharpening swords. Critical moment, this littleknown commando, in various cases of violence played a role of the "Terminator".

His decisive attack life and death, the Department in the firstline

"2.24" hostage hostage in bombing udarnik City Special Police Detachment, deputy brigade commander He Zhaoming to reporters yesterday about the "Terminator" story. The key to disposal "2.24" hostage taking and bombing is just a starting point for action, but all "real effort". He Zhaoming told reporters that his 14yearold martial arts, is a boxing and Sanda athlete, won the first prize in the provincial Sanda competition; the fastest record is 1 second shot 12 boxing.

"Opportunity is only one shot is necessary to complete the lore." He Zhaoming said, March 1, 2010 in Vehicle Administration fireworks and explosives case, let him remember. The suspect was black powder made of fireworks tied to the body, and install the circuit detonators. Remove the wire, is the best way.

To take advantage of the suspects in negotiations with other police, he quietly moved to the place about three meters away from the suspect in the suspect due to the excited arm elevation, wire prominent neck burberry shoes outlet 3 cm that moment, he swiftly and fingers through the gap will The wire snapped.

Summary of the deadly wire incident, He Zhaoming only said dismissively, it hanging.

