
Does Hill ever get annoyed hanging out with someone

There is no reason to believe that Jonah burberry handbags outlet Hill and Channing Tatum would ever work well together in a movie, never mind become good friends.

One is short and stocky, the other tall and muscular.

One has the mouth of a sailor, the other the body of a god.

One made headlines by stripping weight, the other by stripping.

But make no mistake about it, the two actors maintain a surprising chemistry in the action comedy “21 Jump Street,” out Friday, due in no small part to their unlikely off-screen friendship.

“There was never really that moment of weirdness or awkwardness,” says Hill, 28. “It was just like, hey, want to be friends? Okay, cool, awesome.”

The two actors — clad in police T-shirts, shorts and shades — lounge around a room at a boutique hotel in SoHo. Tatum burberry beige handbag lies on the bed, staring out the window, while Hill sits at a table and sips a chunky green smoothie.

It feels like a fifth date where they each know everything about the other but are still genuinely interested in the conversation. They laugh a lot and speak in positive platitudes.

“I haven’t really gotten along with somebody that quick and easy and without a problem maybe, like, ever,” says Tatum, 31. “We just fell in step.”

And so begins Hollywood’s latest bromance.

There was Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in “Good Will Hunting,” then Brad Pitt and George Clooney in “Ocean’s Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen,” followed by Paul Rudd and Jason Segel in “I Love You, Man,” and now there’s Hill and Tatum in “21 Jump Street.”

But unlike previous bromances where both actors are handsome or funny or both, Hill and Tatum’s chemistry is unique because, well, the two actors are so incomparable.

A product of the South, the chiseled Tatum went from working as a stripper named Chan Crawford to dancing in Ricky Martin videos to modeling underwear to starring in romance and action movies.

Hill, on the other hand, grew up in Los Angeles, the son of a costume designer and the tour accountant for Guns N' Roses. He never stripped (thank God) or modeled underwear or danced with Ricky Martin, but received his big break as a comic actor in Judd Apatow movies like “Knocked Up” and “Superbad.”

Yet it is these disparate backgrounds that make their friendship work.

“We are from different parts of the world and experienced different upbringings and things like that,” says Hill, “but we are going after the same thing and we want to do it in the same way. That is rare.”

What is even rarer is a remake that is actually funny.

In the “21 Jump Street” movie, which is a raunchier, funnier version of the ’80s television series that launched a young Johnny Depp’s career, Hill burberry ties plays Schmidt, an adolescent dork who is constantly picked on by Jenko, a jock played by Tatum. The two eventually become cops and are sent back to high school to infiltrate a drug ring.

Not known for his comedy skills, Tatum displays surprising acumen as the straight man to Hill’s outrageous humor.

“When we first started getting into this movie we used to say, ‘Don’t try to be funny,’ ” says Tatum. “ ‘Just be honest.’ Now that’s something I can do.”

While others might be surprised by Tatum’s comic chops, Hill, who helped write the script, saw his co-star’s talent all along.

“It is dumb people who think in terms of categories,” he says. “If you are talented and truthful, you can do anything you want. Your talent doesn’t depend on a genre and Chan proves that.”

That’s right, Hill constantly refers to Tatum by the nickname “Chan.” Needless to say, these two guys are close. How close?

“We are totally huggers,” says Tatum, who first met Hill three years ago at a Hollywood restaurant. “Now, Ice Cube [who plays the police captain], he’s not the most huggable guy, but Jonah and I hug it out all the time. There’s no tiptoeing around it, this is a full-fledged bromance.”

On cue, they slap five and hug.

Tatum’s experience in action movies was also a big help on the set of “21 Jump Street,” which Hill describes as “Bad Boys” meets John Hughes.

“This is an action burberry scarves comedy and I’ve made a lot of comedies and he’s made a lot of action movies,” says Hill. “We pretty much had everything covered. He taught me a lot about stunts and guns.”

Apparently Tatum didn’t teach his co-star well enough.

“This person next to me has the worst gun safety that I’ve ever been around in my entire life,” he says of Hill, who admitted that every time he was handed a gun he would point it at a crew member’s crotch and pull the trigger just to make sure it wasn’t loaded.

Behind the seeming differences between Tatum and Hill, who are both executive producers on the movie, there are also similarities, mainly a shared work ethic.

“I don’t think people become successful by accident,” says Hill, the more talkative of the two. “You have to work really hard. A lot of people wanted to peg both of us when we started out. Chan was in a dance movie [‘Step Up’] and I was in a teen movie [‘Superbad’], but we are both not those people and we’ve had to work really hard to advance our careers.”

“People think that Jonah is the character he burberry kids skirts cheap plays in ‘Knocked Up,’ this guy that smokes weed all day and plays ping-pong,” he says. “Sure, he probably plays ping-pong, but he also has 20 projects he is working on at once and he doesn’t stop.

“He is just like a white Puff Daddy. If he told me tomorrow that he had a start up an Internet thing, I would be like, yeah, that makes sense. Even if he said he had a line of jeans coming out, I’d buy them.”

Cue more bro hugs and laughter.

But even best friends fight every now and then.

“The only time I ever saw Chan get pissed off is when we wouldn’t let him get hit by a car for the movie,” says Hill. “It was his idea, something he and his friends used to do, but it was too dangerous and he got mad and sad.”

According to Tatum, “Sometimes, I’d get pissed off at Jonah for being too awesome. He would just go off on a crazy tear, just doing all this improv, and I was just like, dude, what am I supposed to do?”

Part of their chemistry relies on Hill making a conscious effort to not anger his co-star, who is a half foot taller and a whole lot stronger than him.

“Don’t let him fool you, Jonah is a verbal assassin when he wants to be,” says Tatum. “He can kill you emotionally.”

Jonah disagrees burberry bags outlet vehemently.

“Who cares about emotions?” he practically screams. “You would literally kill me. Even when we’re just messing around, it’s still painful. I’d like to see someone try to pick on this guy. It would not be funny at all.”

Does Hill ever get annoyed hanging out with someone who is so good-looking?

“I did my last movie with Brad Pitt so I’m used to it,” he says. “But what attracts people to Chan is his sincerity. You can have people that are good-looking and can say things that sound cool but you can’t fake what is behind someone’s eyes. Chan is real.”

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